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PRP Pre-Care Instruction by Walnut Creek Aesthetics in Walnut Creek, CA

PRP Pre-Procedure Instructions & Tips

Appointment Duration:

Expect your session to last between 60 to 90 minutes.

Diet & Fluid Intake:

Day Before Procedure:

    1. Increase fluid intake: 2 glasses of water in the morning, at lunch, and at dinner. Avoid late evening intake to prevent nocturnal bathroom trips.

Day of Procedure:

  1. Drink a 500 mL bottle of water before your session.
  2. Have a normal breakfast or lunch.


Wash your hair the morning of your PRP session or at least the day before.

Hair Coloring:

It is safe to color your hair up to 3 days before the procedure.

Hair Coloring:

It is safe to color your hair up to 3 days before the procedure.


  • Discontinue blood thinners like vitamins E and A, Ginko, Garlic, Flax, Cod Liver Oil, and Essential Fatty Acids at least one week before treatment.
  • Stop taking multivitamins one week prior.
  • Continue Iron and Vitamin D as usual.

Alcohol & Smoking:

  • Avoid alcohol for three days before your session.
  • Cease or limit smoking for three days prior; it significantly affects healing.


  • Avoid aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Voltaren, and other anti-inflammatory medications for three days before (preferably seven days). PRP works through inflammation.
  • Tylenol is acceptable for pain or discomfort.

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